Tagged: fall craft beer

Pumpkin Beer Tasting 2014

2014 pumpkin beer tasting

  The weather has been rather sketchy lately here in northern Virginia…more rain than we usually have in the fall. Typically my husband and I do our pumpkin beer tasting outside by a fire...


It’s Still Pumpkin Season

Bad Wolf Brewing Company

Still trying to fit in my annual pumpkin beer tasting. Have about a dozen different beers in the bar fridge, but haven’t had time. We’ve also had unpredictable weather, which prohibits our “on the...


What’s on Tap: Pumpkin Ales

It’s about that time! Every fall my husband and I buy a variety of pumpkin beers. We build a fire out on the patio and do our own tasting—we sometimes do the same thing with Octoberfest...
